Shenzhen Changliang Industrial Co., Ltd was established.
Changliang trademark application passed,Low Noise Block entered into the market
Low Noise Block exported overseas, Baerbert moves towards the internationalization
CHANG E trademark application passed,Low Noise Block entered into the North American market.
深圳市贝尔伯特实业有限公司 was established.
常量,普克 POCO trademark application passed
NEWMAX,DISHTV trademark application passed
OCCL,CLLNB,VOPO trademark application passed
Macao Baerbert Industrial Co., Ltd was established.
Patent name: satellite receiving frequency reducer (cl-30);Announcement No:CN305327094S
Relocation of headquaters to new premises.
Patent name: Satellite signal frequency reduction receiver;Announcement No:CN209964534U/CN210490854U/CN305766782S/CN305859178S
Hongkong Baerbert Industrial Co., Ltd was established.